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Private Tutor

Personalize Your Education, Unleash Your Potential

Our Home Education Levels of Support

Holding Books
Image by Annie Spratt

Homeschool Record Keeping

Your homeschool, your way. Our advisors are available to help you create a learning plan and select curriculum, but you are in the driver's seat of what you want your homeschool experience to look like. We just help you keep track of your learning.

Flexible Spending Card

For families in scholarship states, we offer a flexible spending card program that enables easy access to supplies and supplementary materials.
Family Cheering
Happy Kids with Books

Homeschool Academy

Embark on a journey of flexible learning with our tailored curriculum. At FlexFit Academy, we empower students to thrive at their own pace, ensuring a high-quality education that fits their lifestyle.



Family-Friendly Design and Schedules


Exciting Field Trip Packages


Knowledgeable Homeschool Advisors


Easy Record Keeping and Accountability


Built-In Community and Support

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